Who am I?
I graduated from University of British Columbia with a MS in software engineering.[1] I did research in ways to enhance software engineering practices through recommendation systems. I did this by using state of the art machine learning, and NLP techniques to create tools to aid software developers to complete their task.
Things I am interested in.
Ashley Port I, Machine Learning, Software engineering[2], Tennis[3][4], Snowboarding[5], Swimming (My fastest 50m is 56 seconds)
- [1]Resume
- [2]Research Papers
- [3]2007 Stats
- [4]2008 Stats
- [5]Photo Evidence
- [6]Alliteration Website
- [7]Mountain View Cemetery
- [8]Github Repo ComicReader
- [9]Time Calculator
- [10]Latex Online Formatter
To contact me please find my e-mail in my resume in the References section of this page.
Act V. THE TRUTH. (Love is hard work. And, sometimes, hard work can really hurt.)
Love is a game. If they didn't tell you before, we will tell you now. Love is a game and if you play you either win, lose, or get ejected before the game is over. There are no ties. Maybe you'll lose and learn some great, meaningful answer from it all (like if it looks to good to be true, it is). It's easy to love something when you don't have to work at it. It's harder when it asks something of you. You just might be afraid to give. Give it anyway. The heart is the most resilient muscle. It is also the stupidest. So if this love you've found is good to you, hold it, keep it, shout about it. If it isn't, then maybe you should just become very good friends.